What one thing would have helped make the transition to adulthood a bit easier?
School subjects cover a lot of ground and prepare you for at least ~some~ of the stuff you'll face in the outside world.
Nathan Pyle / BuzzFeed
But chances are, when you got out into the real world you realised that you were totally unprepared to be an adult. Maybe you had no idea how to cook a decent meal?
Hint: Always add more garlic.
Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed
Maybe you've learnt important money lessons in the years since that you really wish you'd known earlier.
Andrea Hickey / BuzzFeed
Or maybe you just wish you'd been taught how to navigate the really tough stuff, like what time you're really supposed to turn up at a house party.
Zoe Burnett / Nora Whelan / BuzzFeed
from BuzzFeed - Kelly Oakes http://ift.tt/2xJBbhx