21 Things You Should Know About Dating A Night Person

If we agree to meet up in the morning, it means we really like you.

We will never want to make weekend plans that start before 2pm.

We will never want to make weekend plans that start before 2pm.

12pm at a push, if we really really really really really really like you.


You may think we're wasting time sleeping in, but honestly the alternative is much, much worse.

You may think we're wasting time sleeping in, but honestly the alternative is much, much worse.

Would you rather have us grouchy at 10am or fully rested at 3pm?

Cathy Ngo / BuzzFeed

We may look awake first thing in the morning, but our brain is still catching up.

We may look awake first thing in the morning, but our brain is still catching up.

Cathy Ngo / BuzzFeed

So if we're rude/mean/dismissive when you talk to us, know that we don't mean it.

So if we're rude/mean/dismissive when you talk to us, know that we don't mean it.

Bravo / Via realitytvgifs.tumblr.com

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from BuzzFeed - Kelly Oakes http://ift.tt/2jNSqvq

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