Answer 10 Questions And We'll Tell You Whether You're A Social Introvert

Do you prefer your own company or the company of other people?

Social introversion is one of four kinds of introversion.

Social introversion is one of four kinds of introversion.

Personality researchers have come up with a new model of introversion in the last few years. It describes four different types of introvert – social, thinking, anxious, and restrained introverts – and was created by Jonathan Cheek, a personality psychologist at Wellesley College, and his colleagues.

The idea isn't that people fit neatly into one of the four boxes – you can be a mix of two or more types, if that's how you feel – it's just a new way to talk about introversion.

Social introverts might enjoy themselves at social events, but they feel a strong need to recharge afterwards, and do genuinely like to spend time alone. “The idea that introverts need to alternate sociality and their recharging time, that’s very important in social introversion,” Cheek told BuzzFeed previously. / BuzzFeed

LINK: What Kind Of Introvert Are You?

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from BuzzFeed - Kelly Oakes

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