How to Deep Fry a Turkey

Deep-fried turkey is delicious, but the process can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. However, if you follow the steps carefully, you can prepare a tasty turkey dinner for your family and friends! Before frying, always make sure your turkey is fully defrosted in order to avoid explosions when the turkey comes in contact with the frying oil.


[Edit]Seasoning the Turkey

  1. Choose a turkey that's about . Most fryers can handle a bird up to , but you risk displacing too much oil if you use the largest size that will fit into your fryer. Also, smaller birds tend to cook more evenly.[1]
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    • You can estimate about 1 serving of turkey for every pound (0.4 kg) of bird, so a turkey will serve up to 15 people.
  2. Defrost your turkey completely before you fry it. Leave your turkey in the refrigerator until it's thawed out. It's extremely important that your turkey be completely thawed out before you attempt to fry it. Ice crystals can cause your oil to spatter or even explode, which can cause severe burns to anyone standing nearby.[2]
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    • Allow your turkey to thaw for 24 hours for each of weight. For instance, a turkey would need to defrost in the refrigerator for 3 days.
    • To make sure the turkey is completely thawed, feel it inside and out to make sure there are no cold or hard spots in the meat. Be sure to check between the ribs inside of the turkey's cavity, since this is often the last place to thaw.
  3. Remove the giblets and the neck if your turkey is fresh. Most turkeys you buy from the grocery store already have the neck removed, but if you have a fresh one, it may still be attached.[3]
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  4. Open the neck cavity and make a small slit where the turkey legs meet the breast. This will help ensure that the oil can flow freely through the bird, helping it to cook more evenly.[4]
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    • Most frozen turkeys will already have this done, but fresh turkeys will not.
  5. Place the turkey in the fryer and cover it with water to measure the oil you'll need. The turkey should be covered by about of water, and you should have between the water level and the top of the fryer. You can either measure the water as you put it into the pot or after you remove the turkey.[5]
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    • If you don't have enough space between the water and your fryer, you run the risk of oil splashing out while your turkey is cooking.
    • Dry the frying pot thoroughly after you pour out the water.
    • Make sure to do this step before you dry and season the turkey.
  6. Double-check that your turkey is completely thawed out and dry. Feel inside the cavity and between the ribs to make sure there are no remaining ice crystals, then use paper towels to completely dry the turkey inside and out.[6]
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  7. Season the bird with a dry rub. You can purchase a prepared rub or you can make your own blend from your favorite seasonings. Carefully separate the skin from the meat of the bird, then place most of the rub beneath the skin. You can use any remaining rub inside of the cavity and on the skin.[7]
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    • Some people prefer to brine their turkey in saltwater or inject it with liquid seasoning. These methods are not recommended, since the extra liquid can cause the oil in your fryer to spatter.

[Edit]Setting up the Fryer

  1. Check your fryer to be sure it's in good working order. Your fryer should have a burner, a solid stand, a hanger or basket, and a thermometer. You will also need a propane tank and a fire extinguisher rated for grease fires.[8]
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    • You don't have to have a fryer specifically for turkeys, but it should be big enough to accommodate your bird.
  2. Set up your fryer at least away from any buildings. This includes overhangs, garages, and carports. Even if you're very careful, an oil fire can flare up quickly, catching nearby structures on fire.[9]
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  3. Choose a level spot on concrete or dirt for your fryer and propane tank. You should never place your fryer on a wooden surface since oil drips can easily catch on fire from the burner. Be sure to place your propane tank as far away from the fryer as you can without stretching the line leading from the tank to the burner.[10]
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  4. Fill the fryer with the determined amount of vegetable oil. Peanut oil is the most commonly used oil for frying, due to its low smoke point. However, you can use other vegetable oils with a smoke point of at least , including safflower and corn oil.[11]
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[Edit]Frying the Turkey

  1. Light the burner and monitor the oil until it reaches . You may want to use a long-reach lighter or a long match. Use a thermometer to keep a close eye on the temperature as you heat the oil to make sure it doesn't get too hot.[12]
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    • If your oil gets too hot, the outside of your turkey will cook faster than the inside, resulting in an undercooked bird. You also increase your risk of a grease fire.
  2. Place the turkey in the basket or attach it to the hanger. If you have a hanger, push the long end through the cavity of the turkey so that the hooks are firmly seated on the bottom of the turkey. Attach the handle and lift the turkey to make sure it feels secure.[13]
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    • If you have a basket, place the turkey breast-side down.[14]
  3. Slowly lower the turkey into the oil. If the oil starts to spit, slowly lift the turkey back out. Do not drop the turkey in the oil![15]
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    • If you have to take the turkey out, double-check that the oil is the correct temperature and that the turkey is completely cleaned out and dried. Usually, spitting oil is a result of moisture coming into contact with the hot grease.
  4. Cook the turkey to a temperature of . A general guideline for how long this will take is roughly 3 minutes for each pound (0.4 kg) of bird, but you should always go by the internal temperature of the turkey rather than the cooking time.[16]
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  5. Slowly lift the turkey out of the oil when it's time to check it. If you have a basket, use oven mitts to lift it by the handle. If you are using a hanger, carefully fish the turkey from the fryer. Allow the oil to drain off as you lift the bird.[17]
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  6. Test the temperature in both thighs and both sides of the breast. Use an instant-read thermometer to ensure you get an accurate reading. The temperature of the turkey should be a minimum of .[18]
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  7. Allow the turkey to rest for 20 minutes before carving. The juices from the turkey need time to redistribute throughout the meat in order to get the best results. You can drain the turkey on paper towels or on a rack.[19]
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[Edit]Cleaning up the Oil

  1. Let the oil cool before you dispose of it. Leave the oil in the fryer until it has completely cooled. It should be about room temperature before you attempt to pour it out of the fryer.[20]
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  2. Pour the oil into disposable containers and throw them away. If you're worried about the oil spilling from the containers, place them in the freezer and let the oil congeal, then discard the containers.[21]
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  3. Clean the grease from your fryer and the burner. Remnants of used grease can cause a fire next time you use the fryer if you don't thoroughly clean it after each use.[22]
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[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • 1 turkey
  • Peanut or vegetable oil
  • Dry rub
  • Thermometer
  • Burner
  • Frying pot
  • Stand
  • Hanger or basket
  • Propane tank
  • Lighter or match
  • Fire extinguisher


  • Make sure your turkey is fully defrosted before you deep fry it in order to avoid an explosion when the turkey comes in contact with the oil!
  • Read all of the instructions that come with your deep-fryer, and adjust your method accordingly.
  • Keep children and pets far away from the deep-fryer so they don't get hurt.
  • Never use an outdoor fryer indoors or an indoor fryer outdoors.
  • Wear heavy oven mitts, closed-toe shoes, and long pants when lowering the turkey into the fryer.
  • Never pour cooking oil down a drain.

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