How to Cook Stuffed Clams

Stuffed clams make a delicious seafood dish, and you might think they’re hard to cook. However, while they seem fancy, stuffed clams are very easy to make yourself! All you need are some clams, breadcrumbs, and whatever seasonings you want to add. After a little bit of prep work and baking, you can serve your very own gourmet-looking stuffed clams.


  • 16-24 little neck clams
  • 1 cup (237 ml) of white wine
  • 2 tbsp (7.2 g) of chopped parsley
  • 1 tsp (1 g) of chopped dill
  • 1 tsp (1 g) of thyme
  • 1/2 tsp (1/2 g) of rosemary
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Red and white onion


[Edit]Cleaning the Clams

  1. Buy fresh, live clams from a fish market. Look for clams that are tightly-closed and don’t have a strong fishy smell. This means that they're still alive and fresh. You could also ask a worker when the clams were caught and delivered, which should be the same day or the previous day for maximum freshness.[1]
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    • Don’t buy any clams that are already open or cracked. These might be dead and could be spoiled.
    • This recipe uses 16 clams, but you can get as many as you want and adjust the recipe.
  2. Store the clams in the refrigerator until you're ready to cook them. Clams spoil quickly in warm temperatures, so refrigerate them right away when you get home. Keep them in the refrigerator or on ice until you're just about to clean and cook them.[2]
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    • Clams only last about 1-2 days after you buy them, even in the refrigerator, so cook them as soon as possible.[3]
  3. Soak the clams in water for 20 minutes to remove any sand. Clams are full of sand and saltwater, and you definitely don’t want to be eating all of that. Fill a pot or bucket with cold water and soak the clams for 20 minutes to make them expel sand.[4]
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    • Don’t add salt to the water. This way, the clams will expel saltwater and sand while taking in freshwater.
    • Be careful not to disturb the water too much when you pick up the clams. There will be sand at the bottom of the pot, and if you kick that up, you’ll get the clams dirty again.
  4. Rinse and scrub the clams to get rid of any leftover dirt. Hold each clam under running water and give them a good scrub with a clean, firm brush. This should get rid of any leftover sand or dirt so it doesn't end up in your dinner! After you scrub the clams, transfer them to a plate or bowl and keep them close by.[5]
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    • You don't have to use soap to clean the clams. The boiling water should get rid of any germs.

[Edit]Steaming the Clams

  1. Heat 2 tbsp (30 ml) of olive oil in a large pot. Turn the heat to medium-high, then pour in oil. Heat the oil until it starts bubbling a bit.[6]
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    • You can also add minced garlic and butter for more flavor.
  2. Saute 1 chopped red onion in the hot oil. Roughly chop the onion ahead of time and stir it into the pot. Cook the onion pieces until they soften and turn translucent, which is usually about 5 minutes.[7]
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    • If you prefer, you can also steam the clams with just water. This won’t be as flavorful, but it works just fine and takes less time to prep.
  3. Add 1 cup (237 ml) of white wine and bring it to a simmer. Pour the wine into the pot and heat it until it simmers. When it starts bubbling, then it's ready. This gives the clams some extra flavoring.[8]
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    • Be careful not to splash when you’re pouring everything into the pot. You could get burned.
  4. Add the clams to the pot and let them steam for 5-7 minutes. After the wine simmers, add the clams to the pot and stir everything together. Cover the pot and let the clams simmer. When they’re cooked, the shells will open up. Steam the clams until all of them open.[9]
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    • 1 or 2 clams may not open, meaning they were dead when you put them in the pot. This is normal and there are a few in every batch, so if all the other clams have opened, then the clams are done. Get rid of the unopened ones.
  5. Remove the clams from the pot and let them cool off. When the clams are open, turn off the heat. Scoop each clam out with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a baking sheet. Let them cool off until you can touch them without getting burned.[10]
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    • Remember to get rid of any clams that didn’t open.
    • Keep the broth from the pot to use in the clam stuffing.
  6. Separate the clam shells by pulling them apart. When the clams are cool enough to handle, grab each one near the front opening. Pull the 2 pieces of the shell apart until they separate completely. You might need to twist the shells a little bit to pull them apart. Repeat this for each clam.[11]
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    • This recipe only uses 1 side of each clam shell, so you can get rid of the other half of the shells.
  7. Slice up the clam meat and put it in 1 side of each shell. Pull the meat out of each clam shell and put it on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife and slice each piece into roughly sections. Then lay the clam shells face-up. Scoop up the sliced meat and put it back into each shell. Press the meat down with a spoon so none falls out.[12]
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    • Keep the pieces from each individual clam separate so you can put the right amount back into each shell.
    • If you prefer the clam pieces smaller, then mince them up into tiny pieces.[13]
    • You could also keep the clam meat whole and leave it in the shell. This is a slightly different recipe that’s just as delicious, and it’s a little less prep work.
    • If you want meatier stuffed clams, you could also mix in some minced clam meat to make the meal more filling.[14]
    • If you’re preparing the clams ahead of time, you can prep them up to this point and save them for up to a day in the refrigerator before cooking.

[Edit]Making Delicious Stuffing

  1. Heat 2 tbsp (30 ml) of olive oil in a frying pan. Turn the heat to medium, then pour in the olive oil. Heat the oil until it bubbles slightly.[15]
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    • For more flavor, you can also use 1 stick of butter instead of oil to cook the onions and garlic. This will give you a saltier, creamier taste.[16]
  2. Saute garlic and chopped onion in a pan for 5 minutes. Chop up 1/2 of a medium white onion and mince 2 cloves of garlic. Then add them to the pan with the oil. Stir frequently until the onions sizzle and turn translucent, about 5 minutes, then turn the heat off.[17]
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  3. Stir in breadcrumbs, herbs, and seasonings. Pour 1 cup (125 g) of breadcrumbs into the pan and stir it in. Then you have a lot of choices for seasonings and flavorings to add. For a classic recipe, try adding 2 tbsp (7.2 g) of chopped parsley, 1 tsp (1 g) of chopped dill, 1 tsp (1 g) of thyme, 1/2 tsp (1/2 g) of rosemary, and salt and black pepper to taste. Stir the mixture well so all the ingredients are distributed evenly.[18]
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    • Feel free to add more or less of each ingredient if you want to.
    • There are a lot of variations for which flavorings to use for stuffed clams. You can add some Parmesan cheese, crab meat, or red pepper flakes to the stuffing as well.
    • For a bonus, try adding some chopped bacon or pancetta to the stuffing too.
  4. Moisten the stuffing with clam broth. Run the broth that you cooked the clams in through a strainer to get rid of any sand. Then slowly pour the broth into the stuffing, one spoonful at a time. Just moisten the top of the stuffing with the clam juice to give the stuffing a nice clam flavor, then stir it all together.[19]
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    • If you made the clams ahead of time, strain out some of the broth and save it for the stuffing.
  5. Fill each clam shell with a scoop of the stuffing. Scoop out the stuffing in a spoon and press it into each clam shell, covering the meat. Smooth out the top of the stuffing with the back of the spoon for a nice presentation. Stuff each shell evenly.[20]
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[Edit]Baking and Serving the Clams

  1. Preheat the oven at . Set the oven to so you don't burn the clams. Then wait 10-15 minutes for the oven to preheat.[21]
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    • If you're cooking everything at once, start the oven before making the stuffing so it’s nice and hot when you’re ready to bake.
  2. Bake the clams for 25-30 minutes. Arrange the shells evenly on a baking sheet and pop them in the oven. The clams should take about 25-30 minutes to cook. Remove the clams when the stuffing turns a nice golden brown color.[22]
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    • Check on the clams every few minutes to keep an eye on them. Take them out if the stuffing is getting dark. When the stuffing turns black, then the clams are burning.
  3. Broil the clams for 1-2 minutes if you want crunchier stuffing. If you prefer a little crisp in your stuffing, then the broiler is just what you need. When the clams are done baking, put them under the broiler for another 1-2 minutes. This should crisp up the stuffing with a nice finish.[23]
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    • Remember to keep an eye on the clams to make sure they don’t start burning.
  4. Garnish the clams with lemon and parsley before serving them. Once the clams are done, take them out of the oven and let them cool. Before serving, you can sprinkle a bit of chopped parsley over them and squeeze on some fresh lemon juice for extra flavor. Then enjoy![24]
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    • If you have leftovers, baked clams can last 3-4 days in the refrigerator if they’re in an airtight container.

[Edit]Things You’ll Need

  • Pot
  • Frying pan
  • Oven
  • Spoons
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Baking sheet


  • There are tons of different recipes for the clam stuffing, so don't be afraid to experiment! Add different spices and flavorings if you want to branch out.
  • Baked clams go great as a side dish in a seafood meal, or with pasta for an Italian twist.



from How to of the Day

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