How to Keep a Notebook Organized

Your notebook might be essential equipment for school, work, or just jotting down your daily thoughts, but it’s only useful if you can easily find your notes. Of course, your notebook can only be truly organized if you write (or rewrite) organized notes! Staying organized is also easier with a good quality, functional notebook, especially if you make quick additions like a table of contents and color-coded index.


[Edit]Taking Good Notes

  1. Do prep work for the class, meeting, or other note-taking opportunity. Taking better notes in class, for example, starts with doing the assigned readings before class! Likewise, to take better notes during a meeting, go over any pre-circulated materials carefully. By making the material less of a surprise, you’ll find it easier to follow along and identify the key points you need to jot down.[1]
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    • If you don’t have any readings or pre-circulated materials do go over, do a bit of quick research on the topic so you have some idea about what’s coming.
  2. Choose a good note-taking spot where you can see and hear clearly. Yes, the best note-takers usually do sit near the front of the class! Hearing the speaker clearly makes note-taking much easier. So does being able to see any slides or visual materials clearly—along with the facial expressions and body language of the speaker.[2]
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    • Talk to your teacher, supervisor, etc., if you need any special accommodations so that you can see and hear more clearly.
  3. Focus on writing down key points, identified by signal phrases and actions. The key to good note-taking is knowing what to write down and what not to write down. Look for signals, such as particular phrases or uses of body language, to pick out the key points you should write down. For example:[3]
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    • Listen closely to what comes after signal phrases like, “To sum up,” “There are X reasons why…,” “However,” “Once again,” and “Let me repeat.”
    • Keep an eye (and ear) out for the speaker repeating a phrase—this usually means it’s important!
    • Watch for signal gestures like pointing, tapping their fist into their palm, and opening their arms wide.
    • Pay attention when the speaker raises their voice and/or speaks more slowly.
  4. Create a shorthand writing system that you can easily decipher. You can take notes much more efficiently by using abbreviations, symbols, diagrams, sketches, and other shorthand techniques. If you’re making up your own shorthand system, though, make sure you can decipher it easily when reading over your notes![4]
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    • For example, if you use “CW” to denote the American Civil War but can’t remember what it stands for when you’re studying, you’ll end up wasting more time than you would have by writing out the entire phrase each time.

[Edit]Using Note-Taking Methods

  1. Place less organized and more organized notes on side-by-side pages. This method basically turns one notebook into two. With the notebook open, use the page to the left of the binding to jot down notes, make quick sketches, add reminders, and so on in a fairly haphazard way. At least once per day, rewrite this information in a more organized manner on the page to the right of the binding.[5]
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    • Don’t think of rewriting your notes as a waste of time. In addition to getting the material better organized, rewriting helps you commit the information to memory more effectively. This can be very helpful for test prep!
  2. Give your note pages a consistent structure with the Cornell method. Draw a horizontal line from the bottom of the blank note page and label the area below it “Summary.” Draw a vertical line from the left edge and label the area to the left of it “Cues.” Label the remaining area of the page “Notes.”[6]
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    • Use the “Notes” section to write down notes in real time, without worrying much about keeping things organized.
    • Shortly after adding material to the “Notes” section, write down clarifying questions and comments in the “Cues” section.
    • At the end of the day, summarize the entire content of the page in 2-4 sentences in the “Summary” section.
  3. Jot down your notes in a basic outline format as a simple approach. If you prefer to keep your notes more organized from the start (instead of by adding to them or re-writing them later), try outlining as you go. Write down key words and main topics along the left edge of the paper. Indent (move in) about from the left edge when you add supporting details below the main topic. Indent again if you add supporting details to the supporting details![7]
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    • If you want your outline to be a bit more formal, use a mix of Roman numerals, letters, and Arabic numerals as labels. For instance:
      • I. main topic
        • A. supporting note for main topic (I)
          • 1. supporting note for (A)
            • a. supporting note for (1)
              • i. supporting note for (a)
  4. Try mind mapping if you’re a visual learner. Draw a circle in the middle of the note page and write down the key words or main topic of your notes—for example, the topic of the lecture or presentation you’re listening to. Write down important supporting information in slightly smaller circles surrounding the central circle, then connect the circles with thicker lines. Repeat the process with even smaller circles and thinner connecting lines.
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    • You may find it useful to do mind-mapping on one page of your open notebook, then re-write the notes afterward in a basic outline format on the other page.
  5. Use the note-taking system that works best for you. There’s no single note-taking method that’s best for everyone. Try different options, such as Cornell notes and mind-mapping, and figure out what feels and functions best in your case. Once you find what works, stick with it!
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    • For additional guidance, get tips from a teacher, tutor, or classmate who’s a good note-taker, or visit your university's writing center if you're in college.

[Edit]Indexing Your Notes

  1. Add page numbers if your notebook doesn’t have any. Not all notebooks use page numbers, but yours should! If the pages aren’t numbered already, simply jot down the page number as you move on to each new page.[8]
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    • Even if you end up using color-coding to help index your notes, adding page numbers is vital to a useful table of contents.
  2. Leave several pages at the front for an ongoing table of contents. For an average notebook, leaving 3-5 blank pages at the front is probably sufficient. The key part is to fill in this space regularly! Add a brief entry to your table of contents each time you complete a page or add something important to your notebook.[9]
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    • You might include entries by date, for example: “pg. 21-22: April 15, 2020.”
    • Or, you might describe the entry: “pg. 35-37: Fall of the Roman Empire.”
  3. Start an ongoing subject index at the back of the notebook. Starting at the bottom of the last page, write down index categories that make sense based on how you’re using the notebook. Add new index categories as you go, and jot down the relevant page numbers for each category. For the best results, create an index that uses page numbers and the color-coding method described in the next step.[10]
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    • Your index categories might be things like “Meetings,” “Test Results,” “Contacts,” “Brainstorms,” “Sample Sketches,” “Essay Outlines,” and so on.
  4. Color code the page edges for your index entries and notes. Right next to an index entry, such as “Meetings," use a marker or highlighter or add a specific color to the thin edge of the page. Use this same particular color to mark the locations in your notes that are related to the index entry.[11]
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    • This method makes it easy to flip through your notebook and find any or all instances of similar materials. For example, if you have “Brainstorms” scattered throughout your notebook, you can quickly find all of them.
    • Some people use color-coded sticky tabs instead, but these have a habit of falling out!

[Edit]Personalizing Your Notebook

  1. Purchase a notebook that can stand up to heavy use. A notebook that’s falling apart is more difficult to keep organized, especially if the pages are torn or falling out. Look for a notebook with a sturdy cover, a secure binding, and thicker pages, especially if you’ll be stashing it in your pocket or throwing it in your bag.[12]
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    • Not all sturdy notebooks are expensive, and not all expensive notebooks are sturdy. Shop around and pick out a notebook that looks and feels both sturdy and functional.
    • Size matters! Pick a notebook that fits the spot where you’ll keep it. Cramming a notebook that’s too big into a desk drawer that’s too small will lead to damage and disorganization.
    • A notebook that looks beat up can feel disorganized, even if it’s as well-organized as a notebook that’s in better shape. Alternatively, a notebook that looks well-kept can feel more organized.
  2. Buy a structured notebook if its layout suits your needs. A simple notebook with either lined or unlined pages may do the job perfectly well, especially if you plan on using your own organizing system. However, you may find it easier to stay organized if your notebook does some of the organizing for you! Especially if you’re buying a notebook for a specific purpose, consider options that are tailor-made for that use.
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    • If you use your notebook largely for scheduling, for example, it may make sense to pick one that has a daily or weekly calendar layout.
    • Some notebooks are intended for use with a specific note-taking system—Bullet Journal is one such example.
  3. Place key identifying information on the inside cover or first page. The world’s best-organized notebook won’t do you any good if you lose it and can’t get it back! Place your name and some basic contact information right inside the front cover, along with the subject(s) and date range of the notebook.[13]
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    • While writing your name down makes it easier for someone to return a lost notebook to you, writing down the subject matter and date range helps you keep multiple notebooks organized.
  4. Write down personal goals or inspirational messages in key spots. This might seem like an unnecessary addition that won’t make your notebook any more organized. However, it can help keep you more focused and organized. Pick some high-visibility spots in the notebook—the first page, right after a section separator, etc.—to write down a few quick nuggets of self-motivation and inspiration.
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    • Depending on your situation and your personality, you might respond, for instance, to a self-challenge: “Make the honor roll this grading period.”
    • Or, you might be better served with an uplifting message: “I can do this!”


  • You may find it useful to keep both a “messy” and “neat” notebook. Use the former as your “carry along” notebook to jot down notes during the day. Then, at the end of the day, transfer your notes in a more organized fashion into the “neat” notebook that you keep at home.[14]
  • Similarly to keeping “messy” and “neat” notebooks, you can jot down your notes by hand during the day, then use digital tools—such as phone apps, word processing software, document scanners, and so on—to reorganize your daily notes digitally.[15]


from How to of the Day

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