How to Keep a Loaf of Bread Fresh

As delicious as bread may be, no one wants to bite into a stale or moldy slice. If you don’t keep an eye on the temperature and humidity levels of your bread, it’s more likely to go bad at a fast pace.[1] Thankfully, you can use standard household tools and appliances to keep your bread looking and tasting as fresh as possible!


[Edit]Opting for Short-Term Storage

  1. Use a breadbox if you plan on eating the bread in 3-4 days. Find a flat, cool, and dry space in your kitchen or eating area to place your box. Arrange 1 or multiple loaves into the breadbox without cramming them into the container.[2] Keep the box closed, and try to eat or use the bread within a few days time.[3]
    Keep a Loaf of Bread Fresh Step 1.jpg
    • You can purchase bread boxes online or in most home goods stores. They’re made from a variety of materials like ceramic, bamboo, and more.
    • Breadboxes help provide a slightly humid environment for your bread without a lot of air circulation. This helps keep your bread fresh without it turning stale.
    • A microwave can work as an impromptu breadbox, as long as you keep it turned off.[4]
  2. Put a homemade loaf in a paper bag and keep it at room temperature for 2-3 days. Slide your bread loaf into a paper bag before leaving it on a cool, dry, and flat area, like a pantry or countertop. If the bread is already sliced on 1 end, leave the sliced end facing downwards in the bag. Try to keep an exposed or cut parts of the bread covered so the loaf doesn’t go stale.[5]
    Keep a Loaf of Bread Fresh Step 2.jpg
    • While you can try storing your bread in plastic, there’s a good chance that your bread will spoil more quickly.
    • You can also use foil to wrap your bread.[6]
    • Don’t keep your bread out for more than 5 days.[7]
  3. Leave store bought loaves wrapped in plastic at room temperature for 2-3 days. Don’t transfer or rewrap any bread that you’ve purchased at the store, regardless of whether it’s sliced or whole. Instead, keep the loaf wrapped securely in the plastic bag or packaging that it came in. Leave it in a cool, dry, room temperature area where it won’t spoil easily. At this point, continue using this packaging for several days if you plan on eating the bread immediately.[8]
    Keep a Loaf of Bread Fresh Step 3.jpg
    • Avoid storing your bread in warm, moist places, like on top of a refrigerator or dishwasher.

[Edit]Freezing the Bread

  1. Slide your loaf into a large, freezer-safe bag. Find an airtight, sealable bag that’s large enough to fit your bread loaf comfortably. If you can’t fit the loaf into a single bag, slice it into smaller chunks.[9]

    • You can also wrap your bread in plastic or foil before storing it in a freezer-safe bag. However, this isn’t required.[10]
  2. Force out any air inside the bag with your hands. Place both hands at the bottom of the bag and begin applying pressure to the plastic. Move your hands upward to guide any extra air out the top. Repeat this process until you can’t feel any air inside the bag.[11]

    • If you freeze bread in an air-filled bag, it won’t stay as fresh.
  3. Seal the top of the bag to make it airtight. Use the zipper or seal to completely close off the bag. Once you’ve done this, double-check that your bag is completely closed so your bread isn’t at risk of going bad while in the freezer.[12]

  4. Place the bagged bread in the freezer. Find an empty space in your freezer that’s large enough to fit the sealed bag of bread. Be sure to label the bag with the current date so you can remember when you purchased or prepared the loaf.[13]

  5. Defrost the bread within 2-3 months. Keep an eye on the date listed on your freezer bag in the coming weeks and months.[14] If you want to defrost your bread, open the freezer bag and place it in the refrigerator for 1 night.[15]

    • If you defrost your bread on the countertop, the melted water could make the bread soggy.
  6. Reheat any frozen bread at for at least 25 minutes. If you’re heating your bread directly out of the freezer, set your oven to a medium-high temperature. Place your loaf in the oven and let it reheat for around 25-30 minutes.[16]

    • If you’re reheating frozen slices of bread, feel free to put them in the toaster instead.

[Edit]Things You’ll Need

[Edit]Opting for Short-Term Storage

  • Breadbox
  • Paper bag
  • Plastic bag
  • Foil (optional)

[Edit]Freezing the Bread

  • Freezer-safe plastic bag
  • Permanent marker


from How to of the Day

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