How to Declutter a Home Office

If you’re one of those people with a home office, whether you work from home or just like having a space to organize and pay your bills, then keeping it tidy is a great way to improve your productivity and mood. Unfortunately, over time, your workspace may have gotten messy and cluttered with papers, reports, or mail. But don’t worry – this is an easy problem to fix. Set aside a day to clean up, then implement a strict filing system to keep your home office neat and organized.


[Edit]Clearing and Sorting Your Items

  1. Put aside items that you actually use every day. While some of the clutter in your desk and office might be from things you don’t even use, there are probably several items you use regularly. Items like pens, staplers, writing pads, or highlighters are used often. Take these items and put them aside in a safe place so you don’t get rid of them accidentally.[1]
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    • If you aren’t sure what’s important, spend a week working normally and note down when you use each item. By the end of the week, you should have a list of things that you’ve used, showing you which items to keep.
  2. Remove all the loose items from your desk that you don’t use. Once you’ve put aside the important items, take stock of everything else on your desk. There are probably loose papers, broken pens, bills, and other clutter that you don’t even look at. Clear all of this off and put it in a box.[2]
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    • Make sure to look at all the documents you’re getting rid of an confirm there is no sensitive information on them, like bank account numbers. If there are, shred these papers instead of throwing them out whole.
    • If you have mementos like pictures or souvenirs on your desk, put them in a separate box so you don’t throw them out by accident.
  3. Empty all of your desk and file cabinet drawers. You might use your drawers as a dumping ground to put things that you don’t have a place for, so the clutter could be pretty bad in here. Start with a blank slate and dump all the drawers out. This way, you can dedicate drawers to a specific purpose when you put the items back.[3]
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    • Be careful when you empty the drawers in case you put anything fragile in there over the years.
  4. Sort everything you find into categories. Once you've removed everything from your desk and drawers, get to work sorting through it. Divide the items into categories. Common ones might be bills, mail, work reports, general office supplies, or others that are personal to you. With everything sorted out, you can put it back in a much more organized way.[4]
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    • Also make a junk pile for things you don't need or use and plan to get rid of them.
    • You might find some items that are important, but would fit better somewhere else. Recipes, for example, should be in the kitchen. Move these items elsewhere if you find them.
  5. Throw out everything you don’t use. While you're sorting through your items, separate out the unimportant things. When you're done sorting, throw out all the junk to open up more room in your office.[5]
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    • Important items include business records, medical or ID documents, and bank information. Unimportant things would be outdated credit card statements or receipts, bills that you’ve already paid, and scrap paper or notes that you haven’t look at in years. You might also find loose items that you left in drawers when you didn’t know what else to do with them.
    • If you're not sure whether to throw something out, put it in a box labelled "Two Week Think on It." Then, come back to the box every 2 weeks and make a decision on anything in the box.[6]
  6. Dust off your desk and drawers while they’re clear. Dust and dirt have probably built up around your office, especially if you haven’t cleaned in a while. Take the opportunity to dust everything off while the desk is clear. Wipe the desk and drawers with a damp rag or moist wipes before putting everything back.[7]
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    • Remember to clean your computer too. Wipe down the screen and keyboard so the whole workspace looks fresh.
    • Do some other cleaning if you have to. Vacuuming the office, for example, is a good way to make the space look and feel cleaner.
    • Leave the window open while you work to filter out any dust you kick up while cleaning.

[Edit]Organizing Your Paper Items

  1. Get a file cabinet if you don’t have one already. If the original clutter was caused by a lack of storage space, then a file cabinet can solve that issue. Get a cabinet that fits your office space and use it to sort all of your documents and other important items so they don’t build up on your desk.[8]
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    • Label all of the folders and file separators you use in the cabinet to stay organized.
    • Remember to stick to your filing system if you use a file cabinet. Don’t throw things into the drawers aimlessly.
  2. Dedicate each drawer to a specific category. Don’t treat your desk and file cabinets like junk drawers. Give each drawer a specific purpose that corresponds to your paper categories, like bills, medical records, office supplies, and the like. Stick with this system to keep your workspace organized.[9]
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    • Use file folders to identify items if you have several different categories in the same drawer. Separate bills, bank statements, and business reports with different folders.
    • If you tend to have a lot of random items or have a hard time throwing things away, you could dedicate one drawer to miscellaneous items. This is a compromise that lets you keep some clutter, but isolates it in one spot so it doesn’t spread.
  3. Label all your folders, drawers, and binders. A good labeling system will help you stick with the organization plan. Give every drawer, folder, pad, or notebook a specific purpose and label it. Then stick with that system whenever you put something away so everything is in its proper place.[10]
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    • Your labeling system could be simple, like writing “Bills” on a folder. If you prefer a more creative approach, try color-coding the folders with stick labels.
    • If your drawers don’t have sections for labels, just use a strip of masking tape and write on it with a marker. Then pull the tape off if the drawer purpose changes.
  4. Use a desktop organizer for important papers and files. Desktop organizers are small bins with compartments that fit easily on desks. You can use one of these to sort the papers and folders you use regularly so they’re right in front of you when you need them. Buy these from office supply stores or online.[11]
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    • Label or color-code each section for better organization.
    • If you don’t have many things to sort, then a desktop organizer might be all you need instead of a whole file cabinet.
  5. Create a mail station to sort your bills and other mail. Mail can build up on your desk, and a few tools can help reduce the clutter. Try using a mail basket that attaches to your wall. This organizes your mail and keeps it off your desk.[12]
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    • Use an “In” and “Out” basket to sort the mail that you’ve already handled and the mail that you still have to look at.
    • You could also use a bin or basket on your desk for mail sorting, if your desk is big enough.

[Edit]Reducing Your Paper Use

  1. Print only what’s necessary to reduce clutter. Paper is one of the main reasons for office clutter. Think twice before printing and ask yourself if you really need a physical copy of these files. If not, then look at the document on the computer instead and prevent paper from building up on your desk.[13]
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    • As an added bonus, you’ll save money on paper and printer ink. It’s also better for the environment to preserve paper.
    • If you work from home, most of your work is probably done digitally anyway, so resisting the urge to print is easier than if you worked in an office.
  2. Get rid of papers and books that you can access online. With so many digitized items now, many physical publications are only taking up space. If you regularly look at articles, manuals, or reports, see if you can access them online. If so, then your physical copies aren’t necessary. Recycle or donate them to free up space.[14]
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    • Switch your magazine or journal subscriptions and bills to digital-only. This prevents them from building up in your office.
    • See if you can sell or donate books before getting rid of them. Libraries and charities are always look for donations.
  3. Scan important papers and recycle the physical copies. Many of your bills and records can be digitized. Get a scanner or take high-quality photos of them, then shred and recycle the originals. This reduces paper buildup in your office.[15]
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    • Remember to use a good filing system on your computer so you don’t lose track of the documents. Label everything and put the files in a folder.
    • Save sensitive documents on your desktop rather than using cloud storage. These can be hacked and your information could be stolen.

[Edit]Tidying Up Your Desk and Computer

  1. Use baskets or bins to organize your office supplies. Pens, markers, staplers, and tape can all clutter up the top of your desk. Get yourself a can or bin for all those items to keep them under control. Remember to put your writing tools back in there every time you're done using them so they don't build up again.[16]
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    • If you have several types of pens or markers and want to keep them separate, use a bin with sections for different items.
    • You can dedicate a drawer to larger office supplies like your stapler. This frees up your desktop for more important work items.
  2. Tuck computer and phone cables away. Cables and cords can be a huge reason for desktop clutter. Run them to your desk from a direction that keeps them out of the way. Charging cords, for example, can run behind your desk to stay hidden.[17]
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    • You can keep cords out of the way with Velcro clips that go along your desk. Buy these at office supply stores.
    • If possible, switch to wireless appliances like a USB keyboard and mouse. This cuts down on the amount of wires on your desk.
  3. Combine your computer desktop icons. Don’t forget about your computer desktop. Having tons of icons everywhere can make your work station feel chaotic. Declutter the computer by making desktop folders and placing files in the correct places. Your work station will look much neater afterward.[18]
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  4. Install floating shelves above your desk for more storage space. A little extra storage space might get rid of your clutter problem. Get a floating shelf kit from a hardware store or build your own. Hang one or more above your desk for new layers of space.[19]
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    • Remember to keep the new shelves organized. Use them for tidy storage, not as a place to throw things.
    • Hanging shelves can also be decorative. A vase or picture frames give a nice atmosphere to your office, and free up your desk for more important items.
  5. Continue cleaning regularly so junk doesn’t build up again. Once you’ve done all that work to declutter your office, don’t let it get messy again. Do a little bit of cleaning and rearranging regularly so your workspace stays neat.[20]
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    • If you need a reminder to clean, try setting a day every month to be your cleaning day.
    • Avoid the urge to leave things on your desk or throw them in your drawer at the end of the day. Put everything back in its proper place, or throw it out if it isn’t important.


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  6. [v161131_b01]. 30 Oct 2019.

from How to of the Day

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