How to Care for Clip in Hair Extensions

Like your regular hair, your clip in hair extensions need some TLC to stay in great condition. It only takes a few minutes to clean both synthetic and real extensions, and it takes even less time to tend to your wefts, or individual sections of hair, on a daily or regular basis. With a regular maintenance plan in place, your extensions can look even more sleek and beautiful when you choose to wear them.


[Edit]Washing your Extensions

  1. Brush out any tangles from your hair extensions. Take a wide-tooth comb or soft bristled brush and work your way through your extension. Start brushing about from the bottom of the extension to get the obvious tangles out, then work your way up. Continue brushing through your hair extension until there are no more tangles.[1]

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    • You may run into some difficulties if you try washing a tangled extension.
  2. Pour lukewarm water into a clean sink or basin. Turn on your tap and check to make sure it isn’t too hot or cold. Fill your sink or basin about halfway, or full enough so you can soak your entire extension.[2]
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    • Synthetic hair extensions tend to be heat sensitive, so it’s best to use cold water for them.[3]
  3. Stir a pea-sized amount of shampoo into the sink. Grab a shampoo that doesn’t have a lot of additives in it, like sulfates or alcohol. Squeeze a small amount into your sink or basin, then stir until you create suds.[4]

    • If you’re washing a synthetic hair extension, use shampoo designed specifically for synthetic hair. You can find this online.[5]
  4. Massage the extensions in sudsy water. Hold the base of the extension right below the wig clips, then submerge the rest of the extension into the soapy water. Work the suds into the extension with your fingers to get rid of any dirt or build-up that’s collected in the hair.[6]

  5. Rinse out the extensions with lukewarm water. Drape your washed extensions on a clean towel. Once you’ve set aside your wefts, drain out the soapy water and refill your sink or basin with clean, lukewarm water. Dip your soapy hair extensions into the clean water and hold them beneath a stream of clean tap water until there are no more suds in the weft.[7]

    • You may not be able to wash all of the suds out at once. Just continue rinsing until the water dripping off your wefts is clear.
  6. Massage a pea-sized amount of conditioner into each extension and let it sit. Rub the conditioner through all of the extension, then let it soak in for at least 1 hour. If you want to go the extra mile, treat your extensions with an overnight conditioner instead.[8]

    • When conditioning a weft overnight, tie the base with a hair tie, then twist the extension and secure it in a shower cap.
    • Conditioner helps ensure that your hair is really silky and soft.
  7. Rinse out any leftover conditioner with lukewarm water. Turn your tap onto a lukewarm setting, then place your conditioned wefts beneath the tap. Rub away any remaining product with your fingers.[9]

  8. Drench the extensions with cold water to seal in the effects of the conditioner. Switch your tap to a really cold setting and continue to rinse your wefts. Rinse off all of the hair that you’ve just conditioned, which will help the conditioner soak into your hair.[10]
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    • If you’re working with synthetic wefts, you don’t have to worry about this step.
  9. Let your extensions air-dry on a clean towel. Place a clean towel on a sturdy surface, then spread out your wefts overtop. Check that your wefts are as flat as possible, and that none are stacking on top of one another. Lightly comb through the extensions with your fingers to get rid of any leftover tangles.[11]
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    • Check on your wefts periodically to see if they’re dry to the touch. You’ll probably need to let them dry overnight, or even longer.

[Edit]Practicing Hygienic Habits

  1. Establish a regular cleaning schedule for your wefts. Choose a time during the week or month to give your clip in extensions a little extra TLC, especially if you wear them often. Try to wash your synthetic extensions around once a week, if possible.[12] If you use real hair extensions, take time to wash them every 6-8 wears.[13]
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    • There isn’t a hard and fast cleaning schedule that applies to everyone. If you don’t wear your extensions that often, you don’t need to clean them as frequently.
  2. Tie your extensions and store them in the box they came in. Take a regular hair tie and twist it around the base of the hair extension, about from the weft and clip. Carefully slide your extensions into the box they came in so they don’t get frizzy and tangled.[14]

    • If you don’t have the original box on hand, use a sturdy bag or other container to store your extensions.
  3. Brush your extensions on a regular basis. Use a wide-tooth comb, soft bristle brush, or wire brush to gently work away any tangles or snares in the hair. Start brushing along the bottom of the extension, then slowly work your way up. Always brush in a downwards direction so your hair looks really smooth and silky.[15]
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    • Comb your clip-in extensions in the same way you’d care for your real hair. If you wouldn’t yank a brush through your own hair, you shouldn’t do it to your extensions, either.
  4. Spray your natural hair wefts with heat-protectant spray before styling. Spritz the product all over the surface of the weft, or at least the areas you plan on curling or straightening. This spray can help make your extensions last longer, especially if you wear them a lot.[16]
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  5. Invest in wig-specific brushes, combs, and shampoos. Check online or visit your local beauty supply shop for specialty combs and shampoos for your extensions. Try to stock up on wig-specific products, especially if you wear extensions fairly often. [17]
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    • If you aren’t sure which products to use, ask a stylist or beauty store associate for their recommendations.

[Edit]Expert Advice

Use these tips to take care of your hair extensions:

  • Apply moisturizing conditioner from the mid-shaft to the ends, not the roots.
  • Put your hair into a ponytail when you workout or sleep.
  • Take a shower before you go swimming so that your extensions absorb clean water first.
  • Gently brush your hair daily and try not to rip the extensions.


  • Never wash synthetic hair extensions with hot water, or use any heat tools to style them. This can melt or really damage the fibers.[18]
  • Don’t use your regular shampoo to wash your extensions, as it usually has a lot of added chemicals. Instead, use a special wig shampoo or another product that doesn’t have a lot of harsh chemicals.[19]
  • Don’t try to rub your extensions to dry them off. This will just cause a lot of fizziness.[20]

[Edit]Things You’ll Need

[Edit]Washing Your Extensions

  • Wig brush
  • Lukewarm or cold water
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Towel
  • Wide-tooth comb

[Edit]Practicing Hygienic Habits

  • Hair tie
  • Storage box
  • Heat protectant spray
  • Wig brush


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