How to Harvest Rhubarb

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One of the few perennial vegetables, rhubarb grows back year after year if cared for properly. The beautiful veggie, whose color can range from pale pink to deep maroon, is full of flavor and sweetness, similar to a fruit. Harvest it during the spring and summer months to use in pies, baked goods, chutneys, and more.


[Edit]Harvesting at the Right Time

  1. Wait at least 1 year before picking stalks from a rhubarb plant. It is important not to pull any stalks in the plant's first year of growth. It will weaken the young rhubarb plant. Allow each rhubarb plant to establish a strong root system the first year and leave the stalks intact. Start harvesting during the plant’s second season.[1]
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    • If the plant looks very healthy, you can harvest 1 to 2 stalks during its first year. But this is an exception.
    • A rhubarb plant can produce stalks for up to 20 years.
    • Expect to get about of stalks from a mature plant each season.
  2. Harvest rhubarb from late spring through the middle of summer. Prime rhubarb season is April to June. A good rule of thumb is to pick your rhubarb no later than July 4. The harvesting period typically lasts about 8 to 10 weeks.[2]
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    • Rhubarb plants are dormant during the fall and winter.
    • If you try to harvest your rhubarb too late, the stalks might get frost damage and be inedible.
  3. Check for stalks that are between wide. A ripe stalk should be about the width of your finger. Leave thinner stalks on the plant to continue growing.[3]
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    • Stalks that are too thick will be chewy and tough.
    • Don’t harvest from a plant whose stalks are very thin. That’s a sign the plant is underfed and weak.[4]
  4. Make sure the stalks are at least long. The longer the stalk, the more flavorful it will be. And while is the minimum length before harvesting, stalks that are between long are the most delicious.[5]
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    • This measurement should only include the stalk itself, not the leaves.
    • Run your hand along the length of the stalk. If it's crisp and firm, it's ready to pick.
  5. Avoid judging a rhubarb plant's ripeness by its color. Contrary to popular belief, how red or vibrant the stalks are does not determine how ripe the plant is. Not all rhubarb is a deep red hue. Some varieties of rhubarb are paler shades of red or even green when they're ready to be picked.[6]
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    • Turkish and Riverside Giant are 2 common green varieties of rhubarb.

[Edit]Picking Rhubarb

  1. Twist and pull the stalks as close as possible to the base of the plant. Rhubarb stalks should always be twisted clean from the crown, as twisting or pulling invigorates the roots to produce more. Pull gently, while twisting the stalk to ensure it comes away neatly.[7]
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    • If a stalk is difficult to remove, use a gardening shovel or shears to carefully cut it at the base.
    • Make sure not to cut or damage the central bulb of the plant which can stunt its growth.
  2. Collect only a third of the stalks per plant each season. This avoids over-stressing the rhubarb plant. Always keep at least 2 stalks on a plant to encourage it to produce again in the next season.[8]
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    • For example, if it’s the plant’s second season and there are 7 stalks, pick 2 stalks, leaving about 5 healthy stalks to continue growing.
    • In a plant’s third season and later, you can remove 3 to 4 stalks per plant, since there will be more stalks on the plant.
  3. Pull or cut the leaves from the stalk and discard them. The leaves contain oxalic acid, which is poisonous and should not be eaten. Remove the leaves with your fingers or use a knife or kitchen scissors to carefully cut them off the stalk. Then throw them away or add them to the compost.[9]
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    • Leaving the leaves attached dries out the stalks and causes them to wilt faster.
    • Make a rhubarb spray from the leaves to keep the pests off plants in your garden like broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
    • Do not feed the leaves to animals either!
  4. Tidy the plant by removing broken or flowering stalks from the base. Never leave any broken stalks on the rhubarb plant as these can cause infections to grow. Either eat the pieces or discard them.
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    • Remove any flowering stalks, too. This allows the plant to focus on growing healthier stalks instead of flowers.[10]
    • Trim off leaves that are wilted or eaten by insects so they don't affect the rest of the plant.

[Edit]Storing Your Rhubarb

  1. Wrap the rhubarb stalks loosely in aluminum foil. Lay the rhubarb along a sheet of aluminum foil and fold the edges over the stalks. Don’t seal the edges completely. Leave a small space for air to get in and out.[11]
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    • Tightly wrapping the stalks traps in moisture and ethylene (a hormone that ripens vegetables) so your rhubarb will go bad faster.[12]
    • Don't wash the rhubarb until you're ready to eat it.
  2. Place the wrapped rhubarb in the fridge for 2 to 4 weeks. The best spot in the fridge for your rhubarb is the vegetable crisper drawer because it has the highest humidity. It won’t dry out the stalks. After 1 month or if you notice moldy spots, toss any uneaten rhubarb.[13]
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  3. Freeze the rhubarb for up to 1 year if you aren’t using it right away. To freeze the rhubarb properly, first rinse it and pat it dry with a paper towel. Then chop the rhubarb into small pieces and put them in an airtight container or resealable freezer bag. Place the container in the freezer to use within 1 year.[14]
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    • If you’re using a freezer bag, remove any excess air before sealing it shut.
    • Label your container or bag with the date and the contents using a permanent marker.
    • Frozen rhubarb is great for smoothies or baking.


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