Most people think dipping bread into egg is how you make French toast. It's not. Here's how to make restaurant style French toast!
- Cut thick pieces of country bread, at least an inch thick. Make sure the bread is a day old. If not, sit it outside for a few hours.
- Next step is eggs. One egg for two slices is great. Add as many eggs you need into a bowl.
- Add in one third of milk to the eggs.
- Add a teaspoon of vanilla, quarter of a teaspoon of allspice, and half a teaspoon of cinnamon . Add to the mixture.
- Even though this is a sweet dish, add just a pinch of salt to bring out the flavours. Just a pinch though.
- Then, we whisk the ingredients together in a bowl. Mix the mixture until nice and creamy.
- Then, we take our bread, soak it in the mixture one at a time, just kind of pile it up. Then put it in the refrigerator.
- Soaking period lasts for 30 minutes. After the bread is done soaking, dip them in the mixture once more.
- Once the bread is done soaking, we're going to brown it. Take a nice large skillet, and melt in a few table spoons of whole butter. As soon as it foams up, it's pretty much ready.
- Put the bread on the skillet. Medium-low is perfect, medium can be fine to.
- Make sure that the sides are brown. Two minutes on each side is best.
- After they've been browned, transfer them to your baking sheet. The oven is going to have to be 400 degrees.
- Cook the bread for 10-12 minutes. Make sure the outsides crusty and delicious, and the inside looks moist and creamy.
- For the final touch, slowly drip maple syrup on the French toast. Add berries on the side for an extra professional look and taste. Enjoy!
- Finished.
[Edit]Things You'll Need
- Thick country bread. A day old is best.
- Eggs
- Milk
- Cinnamon
- Allspice
- Teaspoons
- Milk
- Measuring Cups
- Large skillet
- Wholesome butter
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