Since 1987, the United States has celebrated National Women’s History Month during March to correspond with International Women’s Day, which is March 8. While women have always played an important role in society, historical records often focused more on the contributions made by men. During the month of March, people around the country recognize and celebrate the contributions women have made to society, as well as the struggles they continue to face.[1] It’s fun and easy to celebrate women’s history during March and every day of the year.
[Edit]Promoting Women’s History
- Study women who made history, created inventions, or spread ideas. The key goal of women’s history month is to honor contributions by women. Read books and online articles about historical and modern day women who are making a difference. Additionally, watch documentary films about women in history.[2]
- Search the Women’s History Month archive of influential women and important women’s issues here:
- You can access the Smithsonian’s women’s history collection here:
- JSTOR has a collection of scholarly articles here:
- Learn about the important roles that women play in society. Throughout history, women have shaped society by becoming leaders, raising families, promoting ideas, and creating inventions. While some of these roles were overlooked in their time, society wouldn’t be where it is today without the work of women. Read about the historical roles women played and the diverse cultures around the world, some of which were matriarchal, meaning women were in control.[3]
- Read about famous female leaders like Queen Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great, Harriet Tubman, Cleopatra, and Aung San Suu Kyi.
- Recognize how women's roles in the home helped communities grow and thrive.
- Lean about matriarchal societies. Historically, Hawaii once had a matriarchal society. Currently, matriarchies still exist in parts of China, Indonesia, Kenya, Costa Rica, Ghana, and India.[4]
- Research the current issues women face in the modern world. While women are making big strides toward achieving an equal society, there are still issues that many women face in their everyday life. Learn more about these issues so you can help further women’s issues and educate others. Here are some examples:[5]
- Studies show women are not paid equally to men for the same work.
- Women face pressure to work and be perfect homemakers.
- Women reportedly experience harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
- Many women report being harassed online.
- Women face different health issues than men and sometimes struggle to get the correct treatment.
- In general, women are underrepresented in positions of power.
- Interview an important woman in your life to learn her story. Choose a family member, friend, educator, or mentor. Ask her about her life, her struggles, her career, and how she became who she is. Record her story so you can share it with others.[6]
- You might post her profile on social media, with her permission, so others can learn more about her.
- If you’re in school, ask your instructor if you can read a short report on your interviewee.
[Edit]Supporting Women’s Issues
- Advocate for equality between the sexes. Unfortunately, women still face discrimination and unequal treatment in society. However, you can help change things for the better. Speak out about women’s issues and support policies that help women.[7]
- For instance, you might join a women’s walk, attend protests against discriminatory practices, or hand out flyers about women’s issues.
- You can also donate to women’s rights agencies and can write to your government officials, encouraging them to support women.
- Educate others about the issues women face. Women’s issues aren’t consistently taught and discussed, so some people aren’t aware of why they’re important. Fortunately, you can help people gain a better understanding of both women’s history and current issues women face. Share your knowledge with others and encourage them to follow up with their own research.[8]
- You might say something like, “I just read this report that says women don’t make the same amount as men for the same work. Have you heard about that?” or “Did you know women who are having heart attacks are more likely to be sent home than men? What do you think we could do to change that?”
- Speak up if you witness mistreatment or discrimination against women. One person can make a huge impact by standing up for what’s right. If you see someone treating a woman poorly, say something. Tell them that their behavior is inappropriate and demand that they stop. Then, report the behavior if possible.[9]
- Let’s say you witness a coworker say, “That short skirt is giving me ideas,” to a female coworker. Say, “It’s not okay to make sexual comments in the workplace, so stop.” Then, report the incident to management.
- Similarly, let’s say you see a man catcalling women on the street. You might say, “Your comments are really disrespectful. Women have a right to be in public without being harassed.”
- Support women-owned businesses by patronizing them. While there’s nothing wrong with buying products and services from businesses run by men, seeking out female-owned businesses promotes women in society. Look for businesses in your area or online and use your dollars to show women your support.[10]
- For example, you might frequent a local coffee house that’s owned by women or purchase clothes directly from a woman who hand-makes them.
- Donate money to organizations that promote women’s issues. Women may have a way to go in gaining equality, but there are many organizations that are working to further women’s issues. Consider giving money to an agency of your choice to help make a difference. While there are a plethora of great options, here are a few organizations you might consider supporting:[11]
- Global Fund for Women
- National Women’s Law Center
- National Organization for Women
- The Malala Fund
- Planned Parenthood
- Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
- Girls Not Brides
- Girls Who Code
[Edit]Engaging with Creative Works by Women
- Read books, articles, and poetry written by female writers. You likely already have a few favorite books that are written by women, whether it’s a modern work like the Harry Potter series or a classic like Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Women have a unique perspective when it comes to literature, so seek out women writers and enjoy their writing. This supports the creative work by women and helps promote the female point-of-view.[12]
- Look for women writers at your library or bookstore.
- Follow female writers on social media.
- Watch films directed by and starring women. You’ve likely seen articles and posts about the lack of diversity in filmmaking, which includes women. Fortunately, women are gaining ground when it comes to jobs in the film industry. However, they can’t be successful if people don’t watch their movies. Enjoy films that feature a female director or star so they become more mainstream.[13]
- You can find films about and directed by women in all genres. For instance, the recent comedy Booksmart featured 2 female leads and had a female director. Similarly, the action film Wonder Woman stars a female protagonist and is directed by a woman.
- Listen to music by female artists. Like with literature and film, women are actively writing and recording music but haven’t always gotten the recognition they deserve. Women contribute to all genres of music, so sample different artists and genres to find songs you enjoy. Share your favorite songs with others to spread awareness about female artists.[14]
- You might start with current artists like Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Lizzo, Halsey, Adele, Alicia Keys, and Kelly Clarkson. Then, start sampling musicians of the past.
- Seek out art exhibits that celebrate female artists. Historically, male artists have dominated the art world, but that’s not because women aren’t creating art. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to enjoy art by women, so look for an exhibit in your area. Additionally, learn more about female artists and their works through books or online.[15]
- For instance, Frida Kahlo is currently one of the most celebrated artists, but in her time she was overshadowed by her husband. Now, you can view traveling exhibits that include Kahlo’s work or her personal items.
[Edit]Attending Women’s History Month Events
- Look for women’s history events in your area. Across the country, events to support and promote women will take place all throughout the month of March. Find the events closest to your area and attend one or more of them. Invite your friends and family so that more people are participating.[16]
- Check with your local schools, including colleges and universities.
- Talk to your librarian to learn about events.
- Follow a local news site on social media to learn about events.
- Visit websites for local governments to see a listing of upcoming events.
- Consult local museums and cultural institutions to find out about events they may be hosting.
- Visit your local museum to check out a gallery exhibit. During the month of March, museums around the country will unite with the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, and other educational institutions to present exhibits about women’s history. Attend your local museum’s exhibit to learn about women who impacted history.[17]
- Check your museum’s website to learn about their upcoming exhibits and when they open.
- Keep in mind that different types of museums will be participating in different ways. You might be able to enjoy different exhibits by visiting art museums, science museums, history museums, and holocaust museums.
- Attend lectures about women in history or women’s issues. Look for lectures at a local college, university, or library. You may also find a lecture at a local women’s event. Invite your friends or family to attend the lecture with you so you can all learn about an important woman or women’s issue.[18]
- Most colleges and universities will provide a list of all of the lectures in the area before the beginning of Women’s History Month, which makes it easy to find events.
- Organize a women’s history event in your community. If you can’t find an event near you, host your own. Ask friends or neighbors to help you plan the event. Then, choose a location, date, and time. Create flyers for your event and distribute them across the community. Invite important women to speak at your event, book a female musical act, or plan educational projects for children.[19]
- Ask local schools if they’ll help you host an event.
- Talk to your local library about offering a community event through them.
- Contact your local government to arrange a public event with their help.
- Ask your kids what their school is doing for women's history month. Consider volunteering to help promote women's history.
- Tell other people how you’re celebrating Women’s History Month so they can get involved, as well.
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from How to of the Day