How to Clean a Travel Pillow

Travel pillows are a great accessory for taking on airplanes, trains, and buses. If you’ve used your travel pillow a lot, it might be getting dirty or collecting an odor. Before you clean your travel pillow, determine what material it is made out of. Most pillows, including those made from memory foam or microbeads, can be hand-washed with laundry detergent. If your pillow has a cover on it, simply take off the cover and wash it separately from the pillow itself. You can also sprinkle your pillow with baking soda and set it in the sun to freshen it.


[Edit]Washing a Memory Foam or Microbead Travel Pillow

  1. Fill a container with lukewarm water and of detergent. Find a bucket, tub, or sink that is big enough to hold your travel pillow. Fill it up about halfway with lukewarm water, or water that is just above . Add a mild detergent and gently mix it into the water. Make sure your container is full enough that your travel pillow will be fully submerged.[1]
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    • You should always use mild detergent when you wash memory foam so that you don’t harm your pillow.
    • If you use your travel pillow often, you should wash it twice a year.
  2. Hold your pillow underwater and gently squeeze it. Submerge your travel pillow fully and squeeze it in and out with your hands. Do not pull or rub at your travel pillow. Squeeze your pillow 5 to 10 times all over to fully clean it out.[2]

    • If there are any stains or spots on your pillow, pay special attention to them as you squeeze.
  3. Rinse your pillow out in cool water until the water is clear. Drain the container full of soapy water and carry your pillow over to a sink or tub. Use cool water that is just below room temperature to rinse all of the detergent out of your pillow. Keep rinsing until there is no soap residue coming out of the pillow anymore, or for about 5 minutes.[3]

    • Leaving soap residue inside of your pillow can harm it in the long run.
  4. Let your travel pillow dry in the sun. Set your travel pillow in a cool, dry spot where the sun can reach it. If you live in a humid climate, keep your pillow indoors. Leave it to dry until you can squeeze it without feeling any moisture, or for 1 to 2 days.[4]
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[Edit]Cleaning a Travel Pillow in a Machine

  1. Check the tag to see if your pillow is machine washable. Some travel pillows cannot be washed in a washing machine. Look at the tag to see what the manufacturer recommends. If your pillow is dry clean or hand wash only, do not put it in the washing machine.[5]
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    • Most memory foam and microbead pillows are not machine washable.
  2. Remove the cover if it has one. Some travel pillows have removable covers that come off with a zipper or snaps. If your pillow does, take the cover off carefully and set the pillow aside. Wash the cover separately from the pillow.[6]

    • Pillow covers help keep your travel pillow clean for a longer period of time.
  3. Wash the pillow or the cover in cold water on a low spin setting. Find the low-spin or delicate setting on your washing machine. Wash your travel pillow in cold water using a mild detergent. Don’t let the pillow sit for too long after the cycle is over, or it could lose its shape.[7]
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    • Putting your pillow on a high-spin setting could also cause it to lose its shape.
    • You can wash other clothing items with your pillow or cover.
  4. Dry it on low or let it sit in the sun for 1 day. If you need your travel pillow dried quickly, put it in the dryer for 1 hour on a low setting. If you don’t need it dry that fast, set your pillow out in the sun to dry for at least 1 day. Squeeze your pillow to make sure it is dry on the inside, not just the outside.[8]
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    • Some dryers have automatic moisture sensors. These won’t work on travel pillows, since the sensors only pick up moisture on the outside of the pillow, not the inside.

[Edit]Removing Odors and Small Stains

  1. Let the pillow sit out in the sunlight for 2 to 3 days to remove smells. If your memory foam or microbead travel pillow is starting to smell bad, let it sit out in the fresh air for 2 to 3 days until the smell goes away. Make sure the pillow won’t get wet or dirty in the spot that you put it outside. Unfold the pillow all the way before you set it in the sunlight.[9]
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    • Mild odors, like the smell of sweat, will go away when the pillow is aired out.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda on the pillow and let it sit to get rid of smells. If your pillow is really stinky, spread a thin layer of baking soda over the entire thing. Let it sit outside in the sunlight for 2 to 3 days until the baking soda absorbs all of the odor. Brush the baking soda off of the pillow outside before you use it again.[10]
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    • Baking soda absorbs odors, but it won’t take away any stains or dirt.
  3. Rub detergent and warm water into small stains. If your travel pillow has a few small stains on it that don’t warrant an entire wash, use a washcloth with warm water and 1 drop of mild laundry detergent to gently rub at the stain until it comes out. Rinse the stain with cool water until the water runs clear to get rid of the detergent.[11]


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