How to Protect Your Back While Moving

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[Edit]Lifting with Proper Technique

  1. Plan and check out your route before lifting an item. Never pick up a heavy object without first knowing exactly where you plan to take it and how you’ll get it there. Look over the entire route and make sure there are no obstructions along the way.[1]
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    • For instance, if your kid has already opened a box of their toys and spread them on the floor, it could be very dangerous to carry a heavy box through that area.
  2. Get close to the object and take a wide stance. Place your feet at just beyond shoulder width and stand as close to the object as you can. If you’re picking up a smaller moving box, for instance, stand so that your toes are beyond the front of the box.[2]
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    • Taking a wider stance gives you a stronger, more stable base for lifting. It also makes it easier to lift with your legs instead of your back.
    • Your goal is to reach out as little as possible to grab the item before lifting it.
  3. Crouch down with your back straight and head forward. Your back should maintain its natural, slight curve. Never arch your back to bend over top of the item. Also, don’t look down at the item as you crouch—keep your head level and look straight forward.[3]
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    • Your feet should be flat on the ground with your weight centered over them.
    • Arching your back and neck puts all the weight of the object you're lifting onto the muscles supporting those areas. Instead, you want the more powerful muscles of your legs and core to take on the weight.
  4. Keep your hands below your shoulders and grip firmly. Slide your fingers under the item, beneath its center of gravity. For a moving box, you may be able to instead grip your hands around the far corners, near the bottom.[4]
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    • Use your thumbs, fingers, and palms to secure a firm grip. If you can’t get a good grip, don’t try to lift the item.
    • Tilt a lighter item forward to slide your fingers underneath if necessary, but don’t risk pinning or crushing your fingers beneath a heavier item. Instead, use a dolly or hand cart to lift and move the item.
  5. Breathe deeply throughout and exhale as you lift. Don’t make the mistake of holding your breath while you lift—this robs you of oxygen. Instead, breathe slowly and deeply throughout, and time a full exhale for the moment when you begin to lift the item.[5]
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    • Holding your breath naturally tenses your core muscles, which is helpful when lifting. However, you can—and should—engage your core muscles without holding your breath.
    • Even a brief shortage of oxygen may reduce your lifting and carrying capabilities. Also, it's possible that you might black out and be injured.
  6. Push upward with your feet and legs to stand upright. Focus on drawing your power from the ground up. Push off straight up from your feet, then use your leg muscles to propel your body straight up. Use your arms to hold the item steady, and your core muscles to keep your body balanced and stable.[6]
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    • Your posture should remain in its natural curve throughout the lift. If you’re arching your back and then straightening it out while lifting, you’re at a much greater risk of injury.
  7. Keep the item at waist height as you hold it. The bottom of the item should be right about at your hips, with your hands at or just a little above that level—depending on where you’re gripping the item. Do not lift the item above shoulder height without assistance.[7]
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    • Hoisting heavy objects higher than shoulder level is an easy way to injure your back.
    • Instead of trying to move a box onto a high shelf to unpack later, for instance, move it to a table and unpack it there.
  8. Pivot your feet instead of twisting your back to turn. While holding the item, start every turn at your feet and follow with your upper body. Do not twist at the waist and then shuffle your feet to reposition them.[8]
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    • If you twist your back without moving your feet, you'll put enormous strain on your spine and its supporting muscles. Put your stronger leg muscles in charge of turning instead.
  9. Put the item down the same way you lifted it. Do the entire process in reverse: square up your body, with your feet a bit beyond shoulder width; use your legs to lower yourself down, keeping your back at its natural slight curve and your head pointed forward; and release your grip once the item is securely in place.[9]
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    • Make sure to keep breathing while putting the item down as well!

[Edit]Avoiding Lifting Heavy Weights

  1. Pack smaller, lighter boxes as much as possible. For back safety, an average adult should not lift bulky items that weigh more than without assistance. So, instead of packing fewer, bigger boxes full of stuff, fill more, smaller boxes with your moving items.[10]
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    • When you do need a bigger box, for instance for an awkwardly-shaped item, fill the rest of it with lightweight items or packing material to keep it under .
  2. Get help lifting bulky items that weigh more than . Depending on your physical condition, you might feel confident lifting a box of books that weighs more than this. However, bulky or awkwardly-shaped items, like furniture or home appliances, should be lifted with helpers to reduce your risk of injury.[11]
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    • Lift in tandem with your helper or helpers when dealing with the heavy items. Make sure everyone uses proper technique and lifts at the same time—try counting out “1, 2, 3, lift!”
  3. Don’t lift when you can push instead. Rather than carrying a wardrobe from one bedroom to another on the same level, for example, slide it instead. Use proper lifting technique to tip up one side slightly and slide a sheet of cardboard beneath it. Then, do the same with the other side. From there, you should be able to safely push the item across multiple types of flooring.[12]
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    • Push with your legs, keeping your back at its natural slight curve, your head up, and your arms bent. Don’t arch your back when pushing.
    • It’s easier on your back to push rather than pull.
    • You can also buy moving sliders to place under furniture and other heavy items. Look for them at home improvement stores or online.
  4. Use hand trucks, dollies, carts, and other moving tools. Basically, any time you can use wheels to your advantage, do so. Hand trucks are great for moving boxes and appliances—you just need to slide the platform under the item, secure the item in place with the straps, tilt back the handle to lift the item onto the two wheels, and push or pull the hand truck to your destination.[13]
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    • Hand trucks are often called dollies, although technically a dolly has a level platform and four wheels (meaning you have to lift the item onto it).
    • You can rent hand trucks and other moving tools from home improvement stores and tool rental stores. If you rent a truck from a moving company, you may also be able to get some moving tools to use.
    • No matter what moving tools you use, make sure you know how to use them properly, follow all safety recommendations, and don’t exceed the maximum safe load. If you’re not sure how to use something, ask for a demonstration when you rent it.
  5. Know your limits and hire movers if needed. Sometimes the wisest way to protect your back while moving is to let someone else do the lifting for you. If you’ve had a back injury, have recurring back problems, or have any current or ongoing issues with your legs, core, or arms, don’t risk serious injury by trying to lift and move heavy items.[14]
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[Edit]Caring for Your Back Throughout the Process

  1. Exercise your back and entire body for 6+ weeks beforehand. If you’re not already on an exercise program that includes strength training, flexibility, and aerobic elements, aim to start one at least 6 weeks before your moving day. The more in-shape your body is on moving day, the less likely you’ll be to injure your back.[15]
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    • Consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you live a sedentary lifestyle or have any existing medical issues.
    • You may want to work with a personal trainer who can customize exercises to get you ready for moving day.
  2. Stretch before, during, and after moving your stuff. Do several back stretches and some general stretching for 5-10 minutes before you start moving items. Then, every hour or so, take a break, drink some water and rest for 5 minutes, and do some stretching for another 3-5 minutes. Finish off your day by doing some light stretches as well.[16]
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    • Hip twists, shoulder rolls, toe touches, and several common yoga poses are all good back stretches to utilize.
    • Drink water during your hourly break, and also several times in between each break. It’s important to stay hydrated while working.
    • If you need to take more frequent breaks, do so.
  3. Try a back belt but accept its limitations. Many workers who lift heavy items for a living—like professional movers—use back belts on the job. In theory, they help stabilize your core and back muscles, thereby reducing your risk of injury. While this may be the case, it’s also true there is inadequate scientific evidence to confirm this claim.[17]
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    • So, it’s possible that it may not actually help to wear a back belt, but it also likely won’t hurt to do so. It may be detrimental, however, if wearing it gives you a false sense of security, leading you to try lifting too much or with poor technique.
    • Most back belts are made of sturdy fabric, loop over the shoulders, and are secured at the waist by adjustable hook-and-loop (Velcro) closures.
  4. See your doctor to deal with lower or upper back pain. No matter how well you prepare and how many precautions you take, your back will almost certainly be sore the day after moving. If you’re experiencing outright pain instead of soreness, or if your soreness doesn’t subside after 2-3 days, contact your doctor.
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    • To combat general back soreness, take it easy for a few days, alternately apply ice and heat to the area as needed, and use anti-inflammatory pain relievers if necessary. Ask your doctor for specific advice based on your circumstances.

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