How to Help Your Team Perform

Combining the energy, knowledge, and skillset of a team of people to accomplish a task is an efficient and effective business model. The key to the success of a team lies in its performance. Helping your team members perform well starts with your own example as a leader, but you also need to inspire them to be committed to your team and motivate them to want to perform better.


EditLeading by Example

  1. Work like you expect your team to work. Don’t cut corners or try to take off early every chance that you get. Your team will notice your behavior and work ethic and will base their performance on yours. Set a good example by working as hard and as well as you want your team to work.[1]
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    • You don’t have to work every hour of the day, but you do need to work with integrity. Your team will notice if you aren’t passionate or if you don’t care about the job.
    • If you see that someone on your team is struggling to complete a task, help them out and show them how it’s done.
  2. Be present and approachable at work. If you’re often late, take every opportunity to leave early, or if you’re really grumpy when someone needs to speak with you, your team will see that you’re not really interested in the work. Be there when you expect everyone else to be there and keep an open door if someone on your team needs to discuss something.[2]
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    • Even if you’re tired or had a rough night, you need to give your team the attention and compassion they deserve.
  3. Dress appropriately and take care in your appearance. Your physical appearance says a lot about you and will show your team what you expect. If you wear dirty or inappropriate clothing to work, your team will think that you don’t care and may follow your lead. Wear clean and professional clothing to set a good example.[3]
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    • Keep a change of clothes in your car or office in case you spill something or need to make a quick change.
  4. Communicate with the individuals on your team. Ask the people on your team how they’re doing. Show concern for their well-being by letting them know that they can talk to you if they need to. Send a regular email or have a weekly meeting with each team member to check in on them and make them feel like you care about them.[4]
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    • People will work harder if they feel like their leader has their best interests at heart.
    • Don’t delve into someone’s personal life unless they allow you.
    • Talk to the people on your team directly, don’t ask others about them. Show the person that you’re interested in their point of view.

EditKeeping Your Team Happy and Inspired

  1. Share your long-term vision with your team to inspire them. Your team will be inspired to help you accomplish your forward-looking goals if they’re included in them. In meetings or in conversations, take some time to explain a long-term goal and how the present tasks can help you and your team accomplish that goal.[5]
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    • It’s easy to get lost in mundane day-to-day tasks, so carve out some time in your schedule to talk with your team about future goals.
    • The best way to lead your team into the future is to connect with them about it in the present.
  2. Give praise and recognition to your team when they succeed. Your team will feel valued if you recognize and praise their hard work or if they accomplish a major goal. The recognition could be a formal announcement or even an informal comment or gathering. Your team will respond to your appreciation and feel motivated to perform well.[6]
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    • Consider an employee of the month award or a regular award that is meant to recognize a team member who has consistently performed well.
    • Avoid publicly criticising your team. If you have a problem or an issue, keep the criticism contained to closed meetings or direct communications like email or phone.
  3. Create a positive work environment. Establishing a work environment that inspires your team to enjoy their work can dramatically increase their performance. Provide a safe, anonymous system for your team members to report problems and respond to any problems with respect and compassion.[7]
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    • Show your team that your work environment is built on trust. If you make a promise, keep it!
    • The happier your team is, the more productive they’ll be.
  4. Allow people to give their input. A big factor in inspiring your team to perform is letting them know that they can speak up if they have an idea or if they find a problem. Whenever you hold meetings, make sure your team knows that you welcome feedback, even criticisms. It will make your team feel comfortable bringing issues to you and will make them perform better if they think it’s safe to voice their opinion.[8]
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    • In addition to making your team feel more comfortable, an open-door discussion policy can also lead to greater productivity because your team may come up with a better way of doing something.
  5. Spend time together outside of work to connect your team. Increasing and promoting social interaction among the members of your team will make them feel more comfortable and inspire them to work harder together. If the members of your team are comfortable with each other, they’ll share ideas, help each other out, and perform better.[9]
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    • Try holding a lunch meeting at a restaurant. The change of scenery and the enticement of tasty food will make people feel more relaxed and happy.
    • Organize events unrelated to work. Have a bowling night, a weekend picnic, or host a viewing party for a big sports game.

EditMotivating Your Team to Perform

  1. Set clear goals for your team to work towards. Your team will feel more motivated to accomplish their tasks if they have a clear idea of what they are. Make sure that everyone on your team knows what the goals for the day or week are to encourage them to work together to achieve those goals.[10]
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    • Use a calendar to set clear goals for the day. People will be motivated to complete their work for the day before they go home.
  2. Pay your team what they’re worth. The biggest motivation you can give your team is fair compensation. People perform better if they’re paid what they deserve. If you pay your team less than they can get paid doing something else or working somewhere else, you won’t have a dedicated and loyal team willing to perform to the best of their abilities.[11]
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    • Consider regular pay increases to keep your team motivated.
    • Research industry pay rates for your team members so they’re being fairly compensated.
  3. Give bonuses and rewards for good work. Praise and recognition are very worthwhile methods of inspiring your team, but cash bonuses will motivate them to perform as well. Set a performance goal that comes with a bonus if your team can accomplish it. Your team will perform better in order to receive the reward.[12]
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    • Give a holiday bonus to allow your team members to enjoy time with their families.
    • Consider tying a small cash prize to an employee of the month award.
  4. Offer chances for advancement to your team members. Your team will be motivated to perform better if they believe there are opportunities to advance their careers and make more money. If a position opens up that you need to fill, offer it to a member of your team first to show them that their performance is being rewarded.[13]
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    • It will also motivate the other members of your team if they believe they can also get promoted in the future.

EditRelated wikiHows


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