How to Demonstrate Responsibility

Responsibility is an admirable trait that makes life better for everyone around you. It isn’t only about doing your homework or feeding the dog. It’s about making proper choices and doing what is right. Stay organized and consistent in your efforts to do better. Also, practice responsibility with other people and your community in order to show your character. Showing responsibility isn’t always easy, but practicing and making an effort will help you improve over time.


EditBeing Responsible Day to Day

  1. Make a schedule to plan out your daily routine. Everyone has their own set of tasks to complete every day. It includes small chores like cleaning your room or brushing your teeth as well as big ones like work or school. Think of what you need to do during the day and label which ones are most important. Use this list to stay organized and use your time in a more responsible way.[1]
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    • Keep a calendar or daily planner to help you stay on top of things. There are also plenty of calendar and planner apps for your phone to use to stay on track.
    • Set aside time for your tasks, such as by writing “pick clothes up off the floor, 4:00-4:30.” It will help you visualize what you need to do.
  2. Be reliable by doing what you agree to do. Whether it is last night’s homework or showing up to your doctor’s appointment on time, actions are a big part of responsibility. Make your promises worth their weight. When you follow through with your promises, people begin trusting that you say. Someone who backtracks on agreements is bound to seem a little sketchy.[2]
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    • Punctuality is important. Show up when you say you will. Being late regularly makes you look unreliable.
    • You do not have to agree to all requests. If you’re asked to tackle a big project you can’t handle, you are better off saying no than agreeing to it. Taking on no more than you can handle is a very responsible thing to do.
  3. Practice self-control by staying away from what you don’t need. Everyone wants the fun things in life, but sometimes they aren’t the right things. That fancy new pair of shoes at the store may look nice, but ask yourself if you really need it. Self-control is also about making positive choices to stay out of trouble. Keep your cool and you will become known as someone with a lot of self-control.[3]
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    • For example, self-control is like leaving the last slice of pizza behind when you’re full. Avoid being impulsive. Stop yourself from taking more than you need or getting into fights.
  4. Master self-discipline to get through your chores. School, work, and chores all come first before playing. These things usually aren’t fun and you would rather be out in the sunshine. Part of being responsible is knowing when to buckle down and get to work. Remind yourself that the distractions will still be there once you have finished your work.[4]
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    • Staying disciplined is a challenge in the age of social media. Consider turning off your phone and setting it aside so you aren’t tempted to check status updates when you’re busy.
  5. Show responsibility day after day. Consistency is key when you’re out to look responsible. Find your groove and take care of all your responsibilities day after day. Slip-ups are fine, but too much slacking makes you look irresponsible.[5]
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    • For example, devote 1 hour every day to studying. Keeping that schedule is better than doing it for a week and then giving up for a month.
    • Consistency proves that you are reliable. Making a schedule helps a lot with this, so use a planner or phone app if you need to.

EditInteracting with Others

  1. Think of the consequences before speaking or acting. Bad decisions often lead to a lot of new problems. Many times, you can avoid these problems by thinking about what you’re about to do before you go through with it. Irresponsible people often act without realizing how they are affecting others. By thinking, you give yourself a chance to make better decisions.[6]
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    • Think twice about getting into a fight with a friend, for instance, or skipping an appointment. Bigger decisions have more severe consequences. Doing something illegal like stealing could get you in a lot of long-term trouble.
    • If you need help figuring out the consequences, write down a list of pros and cons. Describe the good outcomes and the bad outcomes that could happen when you make a choice.
  2. Pause and reflect on your actions to see what you can do better. Take a time out to look back on what you have said or done, especially after a difficult decision. Most decisions affect other people, so be accountable for your choices. Consider what went right, what went wrong, and what you could do differently next time. Use what you learn to become wiser and more responsible.[7]
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    • For instance, when you skip your homework to play, think about what you would do differently. You might think, “Skipping was fun, but now I have a lot of work to make up. Next time I’ll get it done as soon as possible.”
    • If you hurt someone’s feelings, consider why they reacted that way. You might realize, “That comment was more insensitive than I realized, so I’ll listen and apologize to make things better.”
  3. Tell the truth to be honest with others. If you’re not trustworthy, no one will ever believe you are a responsible person. Strive to be as honest as possible. Lying leads to deeper holes in the long run, so admit when you do something wrong. This can be very tough to do at times, but it's something you can handle when you're a responsible person.[8]
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    • Small lies, like telling someone you like their new haircut, aren’t a big deal. Avoid big lies that could hurt someone’s feeling if you want people to trust you.
  4. Apologize for any mistakes you make. No one is perfect, and no matter how responsible you try to be, you might mess up sometimes. Instead of hiding your mistakes, own them. If you hurt someone, tell them you are sorry and will do better next time.[9]
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    • For example, you might forget someone’s birthday. Say, “I’m sorry I forgot, but I’m going to make it up to you.”
    • Lying is irresponsible and can get you into more trouble. If people know you made a mistake, you have nothing to lose by hiding it.
  5. Find solutions for problems instead of blaming others. Instead of trying to find out who is responsible for a problem, take charge and find ways to make the situation better. If it was your fault, apologize first, then find a way to make it better. Problems happen, but doing nothing often makes them worse.[10]
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    • For example, say, “I’m sorry we got into a fight. I think I misunderstood what you meant. Can we talk about it?”
    • Control your reactions and try to avoid snapping at people. Take a deep breath and think about what to do next. Personal attacks seem childish and don’t help.

EditTackling Long-Term Challenges

  1. Become a role model by setting a good example for others. A role model is someone other people can look up to. To become a role model, strive to do your best in any situation. Be friendly, kind, and set good examples for other people. Think of what your favorite athlete, musician, or superhero would do while other people are watching. Be the person you want others to view you as.[11]
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    • For instance, treating other people with respect sets a good example. Don’t scream or swear in public places, include others who seem left out, and
    • Being a role model is very important when you’re around younger siblings or children. Take the opportunity to care for them and show them how to behave. It is a pretty big responsibility but one that often scores a lot of points with others.
  2. Find ways to volunteer and improve your community. There are endless opportunities for getting involved at school or around your neighborhood. You could help other students with their homework, pick up trash, or organize events, for example. Volunteering takes a little bit of extra effort, which is why it is such an effective way to make you seem more responsible.[12]
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    • If you’re looking to impress your family, try helping out at home as well. Ask your family what you can do to help. Tackle some household chores to prevent that pile of dirty laundry from building up, for instance.
  3. Take on chores without being asked to do them. If you want to show responsibility, go out and grab it instead of waiting for it to come to you. Make an extra effort to show that you care about others. Use it as a chance to show people that you know what needs to be done and are willing to do it without someone telling you to.[13]
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    • For example, you could show responsibility to parents by cleaning up around the house. Do the dishes and straighten out your room. If you can do what needs to be done without being asked to do it, then you look very responsible.
  4. Accept problems and decisions you can’t change. When something goes wrong, sometimes you have no choice but to persevere. Accepting a negative is difficult but it is possible when you’re practicing responsibility. When you can’t change something, fighting against it tends to create new problems and make old ones worse. Do your best to move on and find alternatives.[14]
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    • Once you have said or did something, you usually can’t take it back. Make the most of a bad situation, but stay positive and keep looking for way to do better.
    • When someone says no to you, don’t pressure them to change their mind. The pressure could make them uncomfortable and think of you as immature for not respecting their decision.
    • There are some decisions you can change. For instance, you could try convincing your parents to let you handle a pet by demonstrating responsibility. Use your judgment to determine how to act.
  5. Stick with long-term commitments as much as you can. Responsibilities, like joining a club or caring for a pet, are continual. A responsibility that seems easy at first often gets more difficult as time goes on. If you have the dedication, stick with a task. Stay dedicated to it after your initial enthusiasm cools off.[15]
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    • For example, you could become a leader in a volunteer organization or practice hard for your sports team. Stay with it for a while and don’t neglect your commitment.
    • A long-term commitment doesn’t have to be forever. Try to set a length of time, such as a year, to keep it up. If you absolutely have to quit, be graceful about it.


  • Showing responsibility is important for anyone convincing their parents to let them do something, such as get a new cell phone. If you show responsibility, you will have a better chance of changing their minds.
  • Mistakes happen and it’s okay if you make some. Stick with your attempts to be responsible and look for ways to improve.
  • You don’t need to invest in anything fancy to keep yourself on track. A cheap planner or calendar is more than enough.
  • Be polite when asking for something. You may need to remind someone of your request, but waiting without beginning proves you are patient and respectful.


  • Responsibility takes consistent effort and you could get overwhelmed if you try to do too much all at once. Keep your duties in mind, but remember to have fun too.
  • Some responsibilities are big deals and you can’t commit to them half-heartedly. If you’re not prepared to care for a pet, commit to a team, or so on, find different alternatives to avoid letting people down.

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