Milk makes your body Rock hard. WB maroc 12:04:00 ص News, reddit: the front page of the internet submitted by /u/JOHNNY_tee to r/funny [link] [comments] from reddit: the front page of the internet via IFTTT Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related Postswhen u flunk your interview so bad they charge you for their timeMy buddy turned 21, had the first drink of his life, and my other friend was able to dig him outMy regal beagle. She'll be 15 in a couple months but still looks like a puppy to meMegathread: George Takei Accused Of Groping Former Male Model In 1981, Richard Dreyfuss Accused Of Sexual Harassment By L.A.-Based Writer, 4 Women Accuse ‘Atomic Blonde’ Producer David Guillod of RapeWhat if the star wars movies came out 4,5,6,1,2,3 as a Yoda joke?She ated a bumblebee