NSFW My friend’s dad’s 69th birthday cake WB maroc 12:06:00 ص News, posts from news, WTF submitted by /u/d_stag to r/WTF [link] [comments] from posts from news, WTF https://ift.tt/2Gs68va via IFTTT Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsMother begs thief to return stolen pictures of deceased childThe new CFPB chief has reportedly killed its Equifax probeMy friend jumped out of the way of an 18-wheeler on the highway in MO because of the snow storm. I’m honestly amazed she’s still aliveU.S. consumer protection official puts Equifax probe on ice - sourcesDPD courier who was fined for day off to see doctor dies from diabetesThis armored truck. Still in service.