How to Enable Twitter Alerts

Twitter alerts are tweets that contain public safety warnings and evacuation instructions from selected public agencies and emergency organizations during a crisis or emergency situation. When you enable this feature, alerts will appear on your Twitter home timeline and mobile notification section. If you have the official Twitter app on your phone, you will receive alerts as push notifications.


  1. Login to Twitter. Go to in your web browser and sign in with your account.
    Log in to Twitter; page.png
  2. Navigate to an organization's profile. Open an emergency organization's Twitter profile from which you wish to receive alerts. Example include:
    Federal Emergency Management Agency Twitter.png
  3. Move to the Alerts section, under the bio. Click on the Be prepared link.
    Twitter Alerts.png
  4. Turn on the Twitter alerts. Click the button.
    Enable Twitter Alerts.png
    • To stop alerts for a specific organization, go to back their Alerts page (e.g: and click the button.
  5. Finished. If you want to receive alerts via text messages to your mobile phone, activate Twitter text messaging with your phone number.
    Twitter; Alerts.png

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