You like things preserved in amber? Check out this 54 million year old gekko! Imagine we find a dinosaur preserved like this... WB maroc 4:48:00 ص News, reddit: the front page of the internet submitted by /u/willbballin to r/mildlyinteresting [link] [comments] from reddit: the front page of the internet via IFTTT Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsOn K9 Veterans Day, honor heroic military working dogs for saving soldiers' livesKey Question in Pulse Trial for Orlando Gunman’s Wife: How Much Did She Know?Irish music giant Liam O'Flynn dies aged 72Bullseye star Jim Bowen dies aged 80Mike Pompeo: Who is new US Secretary of State?Bill Maher, Michael Che, Colin Jost on Rodman, Trump and Un in Best of Late Night