Baby emu playing with a doggo WB maroc 12:04:00 ص News, reddit: the front page of the internet submitted by /u/tforpatato to r/Eyebleach [link] [comments] from reddit: the front page of the internet via IFTTT Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsWeekend picks for book lovers, including Tina Brown's 'Vanity Fair Diaries'Honduran opposition candidate: Curfew equivalent to 'coup'Weekend picks for book lovers, including Tina Brown's 'Vanity Fair Diaries'Weekend picks for book lovers, including Tina Brown's 'Vanity Fair Diaries'Turns out Microsoft have a thing called RemoteApp. It uses Remote Desktop to make applications on remote machines look like they're running locally.Cillizza: Flynn's guilty plea is massive problem for Trump