This wikiHow teaches you how to create and register a WeChat official account for your business, using an internet browser.
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1. Open WeChat's Official Account Registration page in a browser.
2. Fill out Basic Info with an email and password.
3. Click Next.
4. Fill out Registration Info with your company information.
5. Click Next.
6. Fill out Account Info with a display name and a profile intro.
7. Enter the verification code.
8. Click Submit.
- Open your internet browser. You can use any browser, such as Chrome, Opera, Firefox, or Safari.
- Go to WeChat's Official Account Registration page. Type in your browser's address bar, and hit the key on your keyboard.
- Fill out the "Basic Information" form with your business email, password, and region. You will use this email address and password to log in to your official business account.
- Check the box next to "I have read and agreed to the <WeChat Official Account Admin Platform Service Agreement>". It's located at the bottom of the Basic Information form. You have to agree to the service agreement in order to register an official account.
- Make sure to read WeChat's service agreement before you agree to it. This document contains important information regarding your rights as an official account user.
- Click . It's a green button at the bottom of the Basic Information form. This button will take you to the second registration form, "Registration Info".
- Fill out the "Registration Info" form with your company's basic information. You will need to provide your company's name and telephone, as well as a brief company introduction and a company contact's name.
- Click the button next to Company BR. This option lets you upload supporting documents to certify your company's legitimate business status.
- Select and upload your company's supporting documents. These may include official certificates, company profiles, business cards, or anything that may help you support your company's official account registration.
- Fill out the Operation Info section with a business proposal. Your proposal should include why and how your company intends to use WeChat for business purposes.
- Click the button next to Proposal Attachment. Here you can upload supporting documents for your proposal, or attach a detailed proposal statement from your computer.
- Click . It's a green button below the Proposal Attachment option. It will take you to the third registration form, "Account Info".
- Enter a display name for your company next to OA Display Name. Your company account will appear on WeChat by this name.
- Fill out the OA Intro section with a brief introduction about your company. This intro will be displayed on your company's profile.
- Enter the verification code. Type the verification code in the text field.
- Click . Your official account registration will now be complete.
from How to of the Day