How to Require Approval to Be Tagged on Instagram Photos

This wikiHow teaches you how to make Instagram require your approval before posting pictures you were tagged in to your profile.

Edit10 Second Summary

1. Open Instagram.
2. Tap the Profile icon.
3. Tap the Photos of You icon.
4. Tap the icon with 3 dots.
5. Tap Tagging Options.
6. Tap Add Manually.


  1. Open the Instagram app. It’s the icon that looks like a multicolored camera.
    Require Approval to Be Tagged on Instagram Photos Step 1.jpg
  2. Tap the Profile icon. It’s the icon in the lower-right corner of the screen shaped like the head and shoulders of a person.
    Require Approval to Be Tagged on Instagram Photos Step 2.jpg
  3. Tap the Photos of You icon. This looks like a tag with the head and shoulders of a person in it and is in the bar beneath your profile information.
    Require Approval to Be Tagged on Instagram Photos Step 3.jpg
  4. Tap the icon with three dots. It’s in the upper-right corner of the screen.
    Require Approval to Be Tagged on Instagram Photos Step 4.jpg
    • The dots will be horizontal for the iPhone and vertical for an Android.
  5. Tap .
    Require Approval to Be Tagged on Instagram Photos Step 5.jpg
  6. Tap . A blue check mark will indicate it's selected. Now photos that you are tagged in will require permission before they are shown on your profile. If you decide you want it on your profile, you can tap the photo, tap your username, and then tap Show on My Profile.
    Require Approval to Be Tagged on Instagram Photos Step 6.jpg
    • These steps will not stop people from tagging you in their picture. You can remove the tag altogether by tapping on the photo and then your username. Tap More Options and then Remove Me from Post. Tap Remove to confirm.

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